company history
Hexabits Solution is not have a dramatic start, which lot of startups had. We are group of people which have equal passion & strength towards our goals. We are very proud of our achievements and all the people who led us here.
business idea
Muhammad Sajjad Tahir, first founder of Hexabits Solutions comes up with the idea in August, 2016. He was working for a Electric Power Company (MEPCO) in Pakistan. A thought came to his mind to have own recognition in the world.
first meeting up
This was the first time when the team firstly meet up at the house of Sajjad Tahir. We realized, we are working day and night for the same prospective, separately. We just have to channelize our strengths for growing more stable and expanding at the same time.
first recognition
This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.